Walking is something that many individuals take for granted. You can simply get out of bed in the morning, walk to your bathroom, and not have to deal with any uncertainties or major limitations as you go about your day. For individuals recovering from a stroke, spinal cord injury, or brain trauma, these simple acts can be tremendously difficult.
Rehabilitation centers exist to help get patients back home as quickly as possible, so they can get back to a relatively normal life. Physical therapists work with these individuals in a clinic setting to help with gait training, endurance, and oftentimes learning to walk again. Exciting developments in the world of neurorehabilitation are opening the door for these patients to recover more quickly and get back to normal daily activities.
Ekso Bionics takes pride in being an industry leader for robotic exoskeletons. Our wearable robots are helping patients get out of their wheelchairs and back to walking on their own. A partnership between Ekso Bionics and trained physical therapists can help improve patient outcomes and enhance the overall quality of life for these individuals. EksoNR has gone through clinical trials and is an exoskeleton technology specifically designed to help with neurorehabilitation. We believe this technology is changing the future of wearable robotics and can have a dramatic impact on rehab centers across the globe.

Robotic Exoskeletons for Neurorehabilitation
EksoNR is the next step toward freedom and innovation with wearable robots in rehab facilities. Our creative design and unique software allows patients to practice their gait and track their progress. Clinicians can work one-on-one with patients to track their goals, modify assistance levels, and give real-time feedback. Unlike basic exoskeletons, EksoNR adapts to the patient’s body and level of activity. It also supports posture, so all joints are aligned, and won’t contribute to muscle fatigue. This innovative wearable device works with the patient to move through a natural range of motion, depending on condition, level of ability, or patient readiness. This individuality and progressive nature will provide lasting results that can be monumental for your patient population.
Different Levels of Freedom
What sets the innovative design of EksoNR apart is the different levels of freedom the wearable device can provide throughout patient progress. Some exoskeletons will completely support the full body weight and not allow patients any level of contribution or room for improvement. But if they always have a crutch, how will they ever get away from the rehabilitative tool?
Instead, EksoNR allows for a progressive strategy. When a patient first starts working with robotic technologies in spinal cord injury rehabilitation, the device may provide a majority of the walking power. But as a patient becomes more comfortable and gains balance, strength, and coordination, the exoskeleton can adjust and simply offer minimal support instead of doing all the work. It grows with the patient as their gait training progresses, and they’re able to walk more independently. This helps get real results instead of allowing for complacency or hitting plateaus.

Physical Therapist and FDA Approved
Ekso is leading the field in rehabilitation innovations. As the first FDA-approved wearable robot to help with brain injury, spinal cord injury, and stroke rehabilitation, EksoNR is ahead of the competition. Physical therapists also back the product because this new technology is supported by clinical research and allows them to progress their patients quickly, safely, and effectively. Our wearable robotic exoskeleton has been approved for clinical practice where patients of different shapes, sizes, and ability levels can experience the freedom of walking once again.
Benefits and Outcomes
Physical therapy and rehabilitation are all about setting goals and meeting those outcome measures. With innovative rehabilitative tools, each wearer will reap the benefits of EksoNR. When relearning to walk after a stroke or brain trauma, finding balance can be tricky for your patient. Because the exoskeleton robot assists the lower limbs and torso, the patient will be supported every step of the way, literally. Your patient can start by working on a functional level of balance with this medical device.
After your patient is up and standing, it’s time for them to take their exciting first steps. Chances are that their gait may be a little off due to the neurological trauma. Our exoskeleton will provide the proper gait mechanics to help the patient earn and gain mobility at their own pace. Eventually, performing leg movements and walking for a significant length of time without muscle fatigue will be possible. EksoNR will also help with gait symmetry and eventually lower the patient’s dependence on the exoskeleton until walking unassisted is achieved.
Relearning a physical activity can be mentally and physically taxing. At first, your patient may not be able to walk far or stay in a standing position for a significant length of time. But the use of these devices will eventually have them walking long distances without assistance if their injury allows for that. It takes time and dedication, but our tools can help your patients see actual results after a few rehabilitation sessions.
EksoNR is changing lives.
If you think EksoNR sounds too good to be true, we’re here to assure you that it isn’t. There are many real-life examples of this technology changing lives. Follow this story from Promedica Total Rehab of a gentleman who experienced a stroke just before Christmas. When he felt his whole left side go numb, he knew it was time to go to the hospital. After almost a month of intense medical treatment and physical therapy, he walked out on his own accord. Thanks to exoskeleton technology, this stroke survivor was able to make a full recovery, regain his natural gait, and go back home to a normal life.
If you work at a rehabilitation center for individuals suffering from a stroke, spinal cord injury, or brain injury, see if the usability of innovative wearable robots may be a good option for your patients to overcome any disability. Working with Ekso can give your neurologically injured or stroke patients find renewed hope that their life can continue as normal. This also has immense psychological benefits that they can conquer anything. We firmly believe that our company’s technology can make a huge difference for your rehabilitation centers and the lives of your patients.